Monday, July 21, 2008

ethical issue 4

In the world today it is a common concern about the strain of humans on the earth’s resources. What is causing this strain? Is it the high growth rate in lower developed countries or is it the high consumption rate in the more developed countries? Both of these cause a strain on the earth’s natural resources but it seems that in the more developed countries, the consumption rate is out of control. In America today we consume more than any other country with China trailing right behind. It seems that the lifestyle that we have become accustomed to is one of extreme waste and overexploitation of resources. We in America will drive around just for pleasure, spend an incredible amount of money on coffee drinks and fast food, and spend millions of dollars on frivolous items and many other methods of waste. It seems to me that those people living in less developed countries, barely using any water, fossil fuels or energy pose less of a threat to the environment than those of us in America carelessly wasting irreplaceable natural resources.

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